Spring pansies.

Water drops add richness to the Spring garden.

Mountain Laurel.
An artist/designer looks at life and all its facets.
Dear Tea Party Patriots,
Thank you for putting your passion into action on April 15th at the Tax Day Tea Party. It was inspiring to see thousands of taxpayers exercising their first amendment right to peacefully protest out-of-control government spending and ballooning federal debt.
We've heard from many of you wanting to know "What's Next?"
We are excited to announce THE Summer Event, Liberty 101, which will focus on:
- Fiscal Responsibility
- The Rule of Law
- Free Markets
- Individual Rights
Liberty 101 will be held at Chesterfield Fairgrounds, July 25th, from 1:00 - 7:00 pm. This is a Family Friendly event. Bring your kids, your parents, your friends and neighbors!
What is Liberty 101?
An opportunity for like-minded citizens and organizations to gather, become better informed, and prepared to act.The Richmond Tea Party Team has been working very hard to bring you a day full of information AND entertainment.
Music: We're bringing in bands of all kinds: Rock, Country, and Bluegrass. Contests: Everything from dunking booths to Hula Hoops. For the kids and the kid in everybody.Food & Drink: Enjoy iced tea and lemonade, hot dogs and burgers, ice cream, funnel cakes, and whatever else we think sounds good to eat on a summer afternoon!
Featured Attractions: Check out the informational booths hosted by organizations working to restore sensible government. Our indoor pavillion will feature seminars on important issues like Fiscal Irresponsibility, Freedom in Education, the Second Amendment and the growing "states' rights" movement.
Highlighted Speaker: We have extended an invitation to a nationally known speaker and will be updating you when we have received a commitment!
Between now and July 25th, we'll be sending you updates, including featured speakers and schedules so you can plan your day.If you want to help out, there are plenty of opportunities. Click on the Volunteer link and let us know what interests you. Please consider contributing a few bucks to help pay for the staging and sound system, facility rental, security and permits. Every dollar helps us provide you a bigger and better event. In the meantime, stay tuned. The best is yet to come!
Thank you for standing with us in defense of liberty!
The Richmond Tea Party Team at: www.richmondteaparty.com [click to read]
fron the fine folks who brought you The Richmond Tea Party! [click to learn more]
Laus Deo
Yesterday Mr. Netanyahu had a meeting with the President. I pray he was able to get through to him that the world is indeed a dangerous place. It was dangerous before there ever was an America so apologizing for everything America ever did is not going to make the world any safer.
On Iran, Mr. Netanyahu is very clear in his thinking. Looking at a world leader who denies the holocaust, wants to wipe Israel [and the US off the map], sees blue lights when he's speaking at the UN and wants nukes as fast as he can get them, Netanyahu says: "It’s 1938, and Iran is Germany, and Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs."
You really can't get any clearer than that.
Reality Check:
A Two State Peace isn't the Arab Goal [click to read]. Here is some historical perspective from Jeff Jacoby in Jewish World Review.
The "whole world" wants a Palestinian state and near utopia in the Middle East. It won't happen. Here's why.