Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 6

It's a Lot More Than Diego Velázquez' Birthday!

Diego Velázquez Google Logo

Someone pointed out to me that the worls's largest search engine seems to have a memory lapse every Memorial Day. Finally in 2007 they figured out that they could celebrate Veteran's Day. So when June 6 had me waxing eloquent about young Ted Roosevelt, what was Google celebrating? Diego Velázquez' birthday! Now I really enjoy art history, but there is something I enjoy more -- more like TREASURE, and that's my freedom as a US citizen. It did not come cheap! So I would really appreciate some acknowlegement from those who have siezed opportunity in this great land and made their corporation into a household word. Sergy, could you have had the freedom to do as much in your native land?

So here is another opportunity to say 'thank you' to all who serve to protect our way of life! May G-d richly bless each one of you, may he keep you safe and focused as you keep us safe.

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