Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Assassin-eight

The Eight Republikans that Killed Common Sense:

Mary Bono (Calif.), Michael Castle (Del.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Leonard Lance (N.J.), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), John McHugh (N.Y.), David Reichert (Wash.) and Christopher Smith (N.J.)

These representatives voted for the regressive Carbon Tax. Are you feeling underrepresented yet? Notice that all these representatives come from areas within the known range of the RINO. Hopefully Virginia's two senators will see this bill for the job killer that it is.

The science is still inconclusive on 'Global Warming.' Polar bear populations are INCREASING contrary to the hysteria about them all drowning as the ice flows shrink. Polar bear encounters are on the increase at places like Prudhoe Bay. The one thing that IS clear is that if you work the numbers the Carbon Tax will eviscerate the energy industry. That means lost jobs and slower recovery.

John Boehner points to independent studies that show a national energy tax will put millions of Americans out of work. The Heritage Foundation estimates it will cost the average family "nearly $3,000 per household per year." The Wall Street Journal says it is "likely to be the biggest tax in American history." President Obama himself said under his "cap and trade" plan, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." How is that going to make American companies more competitive in the world market? The bill itself recognized that some 'relief' would be necessary for lower income energy buyers. It ignores the damage done to their "rich" employers who must buy energy to produce their product or service.

The oil company employee is endangered, the polar bear isn't.

ht/Rush, Lynn, Newt

The Cap and Tax Fiction, WSJ [cick to read].

Senate Report Debunks Polar Bear Extinction Fears [click to read].

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