Wednesday, June 3, 2009

John Brown's Raid

Violence in Pursuit of a Good Objective is
not Good, Nor Does it Impune All
Who Seek the Good Objective

In October of 1959, Abolitionist John Brown led a raid on Harper's Ferry. Hoping to swell his ranks with freed slaves he sought to take the Federal arsenal there. His hope was for a military uprising that would lead to the freedom of all people.

Contrast John Brown with John Newton, William Wilberforce and the host of others who worked PEACEFULLY for the abolition of slavery. Most of us would agree that we are well rid of that vile institution and are grateful to the pioneers who labored for decades to see its end, yet John Brown and his violent raid must be told as part of the story.

Yet it must be remembered that violence is often a cruel and fickle thing. When John Brown stormed the Baltimore and Ohio station, the first casualty he caused was the death of Hayward Shepherd, an African-american baggage handler.

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