Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dollars for Dystopia

Big Brother Update

'Cash for Clunkers' Website [click to read] takes over your computer. Glenn Beck points out that the TOS agreement on the website makes your computer 'government property.'

Beck also pointed out an interesting fact on his show. The government buys the old cars and requires their destruction. Kind of reminds you of some of FDR's farm programs where hogs were killed and crops destroyed.

"In May [of 1933], the Agricultural Adjustment Act became law. Among other provisions, it established acreage and production controls, paying farmers not to grow or raise wheat, corn, cotton, hogs, etc., and to plow under crops and destroy livestock. The aim was explicitly to raise the prices of all farm commodities. The preposterous economic “theory” behind this was that if prices and wages were jacked up, that would increase “purchasing power,” which was the way to lift the country out of the Depression. In the two years of the AAA’s existence, before the U.S. Supreme Court declared it to be unconstitutional, it distributed some $700 million to farmers to restrict production and destroy their crops, in an attempt to make food (and textiles) dearer for consumers. And that at a time when millions were going hungry." -- Ralph Raico, Future of Freedom Foundation [click to read]

ht/SWAC Girl

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