Wednesday, April 21, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

THYME Magazine, Volume II, Issue XVIA
Volume II, Issue XVI A, Special Edition

Is Joe Klein Good for America?

I had two dogs who were really good at sniffing out the truth of the matter: Their names; Henry and Lucy. Perhaps they were the real inspiration for THYME Magazine. Some dogs seem to sniff old trails so much that they never look up to see the rabbit standing right in front of them. Henry was a Dachshund and Lucy is a Beagle. They rarely missed when it came to sniffing out the truth.

The 'other' weekly news magazine was founded by Henry Luce in 1923 and while I suspect his leanings were always progressive I don't think his journalistic integrity would allow him to mischaracterize a whole citizen movement. That is where Joe Klein dishonors the memory of the magazine's founding father... or does he?, read on and decide for yourself.

Accusing Glenn Beck and Governor Palin of 'Sedition' is a cheap shot at a revitalized Conservative movement that has its life in the grassroots of America. Beck, Palin, Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh wouldn't have the following they do if they didn't resonate with something that is happening in the hearts of the people. [1.]

The real reason Henry, Lucy and I founded THYME was in response to this Mainstream Media Myopia. it was September of 2009 and the 'other' weekly news magazine had just labled Glenn Beck a 'Mad Man.' [2.]

So I started out, remembering TIME's old 'Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America' template [3.] and asked stuff like: 'Is Cass Sunstein Good forAmerica?' Here was a template that could have been repeated for every Czar into a long and boring set of covers. So I had to ask myself who the 'Mad Man' really was? That led to THYME's most controversial cover... an illustration of the POTUS as portrayed by Alfred E Neuman that I saw at the September 12th rally on someone's sign.

But think of it for a minute. If the President's goal is to 'remake' America in the form of Europe's failing Socialist states and in the process dim the individual liberty and personal initiative that built the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth, what constitutes 'Madness' really?

To paraphrase Limbaugh: "If that is what Barack Obama is doing, why would anyone in his right mind want it to succeed?"

Henry Luce's Empire of Facism [click to read]. TIME actually has an interesting history as a propoganda tool according to Steven P. Meyer and Jeffrey Steinberg.

"In an article in 1928, Luce declared the U.S. Constitution obsolete and called for "a new form of government." What was this new form of government? In March of the same year, in a speech to businessmen in Rochester, N.Y., he stated:

"America needs at this moment a moral leader, a national moral leader. The outstanding national moral leader of the world today is Mussolini."

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