Monday, April 6, 2009

Big Brother Update

World Net Daily had This interesting Article:

Life with Big Brother [click to read]
Will Bill Give Obama Control Over the Internet?

Interesting in light of my post for April First.

Pamela Geller Has this to Say About Internet 'Favoritism' [click to read] With friends like these, does Obama need legislation?

Also, look what Tim Kaine took out of legislation designed to protect citizens who take action against the government... the protection! Read More [click to read] at SWAC Girl.

Defining Dystopia:

dys·to·pia (dis tō′pē ə)
1. a hypothetical place, society, or situation in which conditions and the quality of life are dreadful
2. a novel or other work depicting a dystopian society or place
dys- + (U)topia

"Anyone who wants to know what lies ahead really only needs three things. An understanding of George Orwell's 1984, Ayn Rand's prophetic Atlas Shrugged and the Bible's Book of Revelation. The puzzle pieces fit when they're meant to." - Sarah For America

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