Thursday, July 15, 2010

NAACP, Meet My Tea Party 'Dream Team'

When a Resolution is a Lie You Ruin Your Credibility

Star Parker (photo: Center for Urban Renewal and Education)

The NAACP has now passed a resolution denouncing the 'tea partiers' as racist bigots. As a tea party kind of person, I'd like to present a Tea Party the NAACP ought to be able to embrace. These people think for themselves and some like keynote speaker Star Parker have worked their way out of a system that quite honestly has failed miserably in the service of the minorities it purports to serve. So stop whining about them selling out or that there aren't enough of them. Their ranks are growing. They write pretty good books. I like to think they represent the future of Conservative leadership in America.

So here is my dream team... a group of people with sound wisdom and greatly respected by many in the tea party movement:

Star Parker
Walter E. Williams
Thomas Sowell
Justice Clarence Thomas
Alan Keyes
Larry Elder
Kay Coles James
James [Bo Snerdly] Golden

Just imagine this powerful line-up of speakers greeting you from the West Front of the Capitol... and dare to Dream!

"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government." -- Thomas Paine

A New Emerging Black Leadership [click to read].

A Roadmap for American Renewal [click to read].

Is it Racist to Criticize Greece? [click to read].

"As much as those on the left want to portray tea partiers as right wing nut cases, or as racists, truth is these are rational, clear thinking Americans who see our beloved nation being wrecked. They are serving as an early warning system that the things Americans hold most dear are in danger." -- Star Parker, Keynote Speaker at the 'Dream Team Tea Party.'

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