Friday, October 1, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue XLI

An Antidote to the MSM's Islamophilia

The 'other' Weekly News Magazine [click to read] focuses this week on 'anti-government militias.' Funny how they can't seem to see how the government is growing increasingly anti-citizen. Consider how the body of law has grown as thousands of pages are regularly added to the legal code. A kid eating french fries on a subway train suddenly finds herself arrested for a criminal offense! You probably broke some law today before you had your first cup of coffee!

But don't worry. The next attack on America won't be from some 'anti-government militia,' but more likely will come from Ameriphobic Jihadists.

I used to chuckle in airport security lines as I waited behind Grandma and some blonde woman... then 'Jihad Jane' appeared. This blonde Philadelphia housewife was indeed a member of a radical group intenton doing violence to the USA! Closer to home, just outside of Lynchburg, Virginia, is the home of 'Muslims of America.'

They maintain a compound in Red House, Virginia and have been reported on by Gates of Vienna [click to read].

They aren't exactly practicioners of a 'religion of peace.'

In fact, they are but one example of this type of compound in the US. Even as the MSM tries to mainstream the 'Ground Zero Imam,' who is radical enough, they ignore the really dangerous groups setting up shop in out of the way places.


Health News You Can Use

Never Mix PMS and Dr. Pepper [click to read]. Yankee Phil has the details. Here is conclusive proof that the results can be dangerous! Watch the video closely to see for yourself.

Say Again?
Congress Shreds the Constitution, but Sign Bothers MSM

No doubt you've seen these trailers along the interstate. A concerned citizen put them there as Congress continued to ignore the Constitution and the will of the people. Still, the local newspaper finds an odd reason for its own concern. The sign might be in violation of local zoning laws.

Augusta County and Freedom of Speech [click to read].

The media had no problem with This Sign [click to read]!

1 comment:

Joy Jackson said...

Looks like the NL strikes again! I saw one of those on I64 on my way to Target a few weeks ago. Made me happy!