SWAC Girl [click to read] has collected the ruminations of a lot of Conservative bloggers in the wake of the Scott Brown 'Shot heard around the world.' Has Jim Webb discovered his 'Conservative side?' -- hint: look at his voting record. Scott is packing his gear in his well-worn pickup [1.] for a trip to Washington. He intends to waste no time getting down to business representing the people who put him in office.
Most interesting is the spin that is being put out by the people who were just weeks ago ramming healthcare down our throats under cover of darkness... that this is just an extension of the dissatisfaction that put Mr. Obama in office!
I beg to differ. Scott Brown will continue to do what he promised to do... be a voice for the regular person who understands what is happening in Washington.
As to those who promised 'transparency' and 'fiscal responsibility' and then ran up more deficit in one term than Bush did in eight years... welcome to Representative Government!

Furnace Mountain in the snow.
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