Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Actual Question on an AP Exam

Who Says Educators are Biased?

" Which is a worse environmental injustice: taking days to clean up a wealthy neighborhood or taking days to clean up a poor neighborhood?"

A real question?!, on an AP Environmental Science exam!!!, I'd rather face a rattlesnake than some people who call themselves "educators." No wonder they consider homeschoolers dangerous.

Is James Cone writing curriculum now? It would be unthinkable for James Dobson's philosophy to be reflected in an exam question so why would Cone's Liberation Theology be allowable?

The sad truth is this, for every Carrie Prejean you see getting pressure to conform or be ostracised there must be hundreds of young people dealing with the pressure to conform to the 'politically correct' ideas of their teachers. They need our support and our prayers.

Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel.

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