Monday, February 22, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

THYME Magazine, Volume II, Issue VIII
Volume II, Issue VIII

The latest issue of TIME carries the cover headline "Why Washington is Frozen." Of course TIME still does not quite get the fact that that is how the Founding Fathers designed things to work. Their design to maintain a representative republic is holding on by a thread even in the face of one party rule.

CPAC had its best ever attendance, many young faces are in the crowd. The MSM is actually having to treat them as news as there is too much momentum for them to ignore. They look at the differences of opinion in a few areas as "evidence" that the movement is "splintered." Actually it is evidence of a healthy movement. Glenn Beck WANTS people to discuss, dissect, disagree with and generally wrestle with his ideas. Bill Bennett brings a different perspective to the table. Here in all its glory is the diversity so many claim to desire.

Just one year ago the MSM claimed that the Conservative movement had no voice. Today you can hear an entire chorus... with harmony, melody and contrasting notes. The pundits pronounced the movement dead. They forgot to check for a pulse though!

The MSM would do well to stop spewing analysis for a bit and read some history.

The People Have Spoken...

Here's the 14th and E Street traffic camera looking down Pennsylvania Avenue. It shows thousands of Americans, upset with Washington, heading down Pennsylvania Avenue. ht/Michelle Malkin

The Creator has Spoken...

Frozen DC
Here's the camera looking at the big snow storm that shut down Washington!

1 comment:

Joy Jackson said...

I made a comment to that same thing, that they, the liberals, don't look at history, so they are condemned to repeat it. I'll need to go and look at the Time cover you are parodying. Thanks for the good work, Bob.