Monday, October 15, 2012

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume IV, Issue XLIII

The Tradition of Public Service

Bill Bolling, Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, was in Waynesboro [click to read]  Saturday. He spoke candidly about the challenges facing Virginia and the nation. Bill Bolling was first elected to serve as the 40th Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2005 after campaigning throughout the state and in Augusta County. Re-elected in 2009, he was appointed as Virginia’s Chief Jobs Creation Officer to serve in Governor Bob McDonnell’s cabinet where he has worked with the Governor on getting the Commonwealth’s economy going again and creating jobs. Certainly Mr. Bolling is responsible for much of the health of Virginia's economy today.

Perhaps Bill Bolling's best lesson of the morning was what he didn't say. While candidly adressing issues that should concern every voter this November, Bolling avioded personal attacks and hearsay. He spoke as a statesman and a public servant, looking to build consensus and solve problems.

Indeed, he was in a place where people wanted to hear constructive dialogue. Augusta County's three Independent supervisors were on hand. These candidates ran on the promise of doing the people's business in plain view of the people. They have done so. Media pundits and cartoonists may have painted them as in lockstep, but the recent discussion of tax issues should have put that notion to rest. "What's happening with your guy Karaffa?", a friend recently asked; "he's talking about RAISING taxes!" I assured my friend that he was now being made party to a necessary discussion of funding LOCAL responsibilities, such as schools.

In the discussion of how to deal with a shortfall in revenues necessary to fund essentials, the Supervisors debated using money from the Capital Fund or increasing the car tax. In the end, the discussion was a healthy excercise in public servanthood. The discussion was not in some closed meeting, but in plain view.

Bill Bolling has been able to work with a diverse group of people and agencies to make economic progress possible. He is a shining example of someone with deeply held convictions who can find areas of agreement and forge real solutions to problems.

Passing the torch: North River Supervisor Marshall Pattie introduces his Son to Lt. Governor Bill Bolling at the SWAC Breakfast on Saturday.

Lynn Has More Photos [click to read] of the SWAC Breakfast in Waynesboro.


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