Thursday, March 18, 2010

Middle East Reality Check

It's Important to Know Who Your Friends Are

THYME 01 09 THYME Netanyahu THYME 02 01A
THYME Covers featuring Israel.

Cal Thomas [click to read] in Jewish World Review makes a few clear observations:

"How about first making these demands of the Palestinian-Arab-Muslim side:

(1) A pledge of no more war with Israel, or terrorism; 2) a declaration by a powerful Islamic cleric that their God no longer requires them to kill people who don't believe as they do; and 3) no more teaching in Palestinian textbooks and in their media that Jews created AIDS and descend from monkeys and pigs?

After those three demands are met, the State Department can start making demands of Israel. Not before. Anything less puts America on the wrong side, along with Israel's (and America's) enemies. Or hasn't State noticed that we share the same enemies?"

Washington Throws a Tantrum [click to read].

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