Monday, March 29, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue XIIIA, Special Edition

THYME's First 'Defender of Freedom' Award

We are pleased to announce this year's winner. He is a man who possesses the strength of character that allows him to stand on principle and common sense. He possesses the grace to accept the graceless behavior of an American President and say simply that "this is a dispute among friends."

Thank you, Binyamin Netanyahu, for your continued friendship to the American people.

SWAC Girl Has This [click to read].

Israel 1947
Why 'land for peace' won't work. The green borders are the UN borders originally drawn in 1947. As you can see they create a defense nightmare. The straight line border with Egypt and the current definition of the West Bank came in 1949 after the initial Arab invasion was put down. The 1967 war resulted in Israel controlling Jerusalem and the West Bank and Sinai as well.

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