Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teller of Tall Tales

A Lie Lays Better in a Downhome, Folksy Sort of Voice

The News Virginian Offers This Perspective [click to read] on the latest set of... ummm... 'misrepresentations' in the Virginia Governor's race. On WNLR, the Christian radio station, the steady stream of ads characterizing Bob McDonnell as the 'tax and spend' candidate continues. This in spite of the fact that the substance of the ads has been gutted by responsible journalism. Actually, this is probably a nice waste of money since most of the station's listeners actually like the fact that McDonnell is a real social conservative and his true fiscal record indicates he would be a good choice for Governor.
Also they would be likely to remember the tendency of Democratic candidates as they rise closer to national level politics, to embrace the 'wisdom' of its left leaning leaders [1.]. They run in local races as Pro-life, but as soon as they hit the national stage they suddenly find themselves 'Pro-choice,' not wanting to suffer the fate of Pennsylvania's Governor Casey. Casey, you may remember, held to his Pro-life beliefs as Governor and was 'rewarded' for his integrity by being denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.
Remember that candidate Obama talked a good centrist message and when elected veered left almost as soon as the promise to be President to 'those who didn't vote for me too.' had left his lips. We need to ignore the folksy announcer and look at the real record of those we would place in public office. ht/SWAC Girl

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