Thursday, September 9, 2010

Solving Home Problems...

How to 'Replace' a Missing Window Sash


Faux Window

A friend of mine and his wife are hosting my son's wedding at their farm. He asked me what could be done to make this window look better. The 19th Century house had a new kitchen put in in mid-twentieth Century and the counter top ran across the bottom lights so the installer simply replaced them with plywood. Time and peeling paint on the plywood sort of added to the feeling that something was missing.

"Could you PAINT on windows or something?" he asked. Here's what I came up with. He prepped the board but I did the faux windows in about 3 hours [including drying times and a gloss top coat]. Can you guess that my future daughter-in-law likes daisies?

Faux Window
Find the faux windows in this picture.

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