Thursday, September 23, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue XXXIX, First Anniversary Edition

Is TIME Magazine Good For America?

In 1995 the 'other' weekly news magazine featured this cover reminiscent of Gauguin's self-portrait with a snake, which the artist held like a cigarette. They asked the question: "Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?" [of course, you are supposed to conclude that he isn't].

One year ago they branded Glenn Beck a 'Mad Man.' Media bias? Really? No, this is what passes for serious commentary at TIME. Beware, however, of 'electronic populism' [that's us, dude], for it is what TIME says will mislead us.

Rush Limbaugh asked the question on his show: "Will TIME Magazine now ask if the Tea Party movement is good for America?" Seems to me that they did just that last week, painting it as a right-wing takeover ofthe Republican Party.

The fact is 'electronic populism,' far from short-circuiting representative democracy, is restoring the people's voice. I've been to Washington quite a few times in the past year. Every time I have stood shoulder to shoulder with fellow Americans who are unhappy with the way things are in government. Government has refused to acknowledge our concerns and now we are energized for an important midterm election. TIME, for its part, gives a pass to politicians who are making massive changes to the role and scope of government while painting those of us who would do its job of vetting them as part of some lunatic fringe.

My prayer is that the upcoming election will see the return of true representative government. If that happens it will not be thanks to any great effort by the mainstream media. It will be in spite of them.

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