Monday, April 9, 2012

Homage to Thomas Kinkade

The 'Painter of Light' Enters the Kingdom of Light

Thomas Kinkade.

A Milestone Monday Feature

“There was a time when artists were cultural leaders, revered within society as visionaries, people who might point the way to a better world, a better life. America's nineteenth century landscape painters embodied the notion of eminent domain, for example their visions of the overwhelming, overpowering beauty of vast landscapes of the American West were captured in paintings that, to the common imagination, became icons of Westward expansion. They became messages of America's power that was yet untapped; a very powerful, constructive form of art that really symbolized the times. I could cite dozens of other examples where art was not only a part of society, but when the artists became important leaders in society." --
Thomas Kinkade

Homage to Thomas Kinkade
With an economy of deft strokes, Kinkade was able to capture the play of light on leaves. Details of his paintings are a masterful composition of abstracts that blend to create his glowing scenes.

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