Saturday, January 30, 2010

Comparing Obama to Nixon...

Obama’s Schizophrenic Politics

This Article by Michael Knox Beran [click to read] in City Journal is one of the more interesting bits of analysis I've seen of the President's speech.

"The weird calm with which Obama contemplates this electoral debacle is consonant with the apparent serenity with which he accommodates the irreconcilable political identities vying for preeminence in his mind. His closest analogue may be Richard Nixon. Nixon’s energy and drive were closely connected to his ability to draw strength from a submerged aspect of his nature which, however politically ruinous it might have been, was at the same time crucial to his political élan. Nixon struggled to keep the personal resentments that burned within him out of sight even as he fed on them; Obama has generally kept his own social-justice resentments under wraps even as they mysteriously fuel his appetite for power. No more than Nixon will Obama douse these smoldering embers; they are, it would seem, too intimately involved in his deepest political fantasies and satisfactions." -- Michael Knox Beran

More Analysis from Jewish World Review

Same Pig, Different Lipstick [click to read] by Jack Kelly

Racing Toward Destination Unknown [click to read] by Wesley Pruden

A Divided Brain in Washington [click to read] by George Will

Michelle Malkin's SOTUS Open Thread [click to read]

Capitol Dome
The Capitol. My photograph from September 12, 2009.

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