Friday, June 11, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue XXIV

Special Issue: Cleaning Up Dirty Birds!

My Mother used to have a favorite saying: "It's a dirty bird that sullies its own nest." No doubt she was referencing our own adolescent housekeeping skills but the saying applies here as well.

The 'other' Weekly News Magazine [click to read] features a dirty bird from the Gulf and we at THYME have our own dirty bird cover as well.

Our dirty bird paid himself $90 million in bonuses while he bundled bad mortgages as 'investments.' Had he been in the private sector he'd be doing time by now. As it is, he hasn't even had to give the bonus money back.

With willing accomplices in the media, the private sector can take the hit. Still, here is where we have to begin if we really want to cleanup the mess in Washington. The dirtiest birds seem to roost in the nation's capital. So grab your gloves, your mask and your detergent. THYME is on a mission. Here's our special pullout section:

A Field Guide to Washington's 'Dirty Birds'

Reid's Roadrunner.

Pelosi's Pelican.

Franklin's Finch.

Barney's Bowerbird.

Gibb's Grouse.

Obama's Oriole.

Carter's Crow.

Biden's Booby.

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