Friday, December 10, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue LII

A Tale of Two Candidates

The 'other' Weekly News Magazine [click to read] is all in a tizzy...Sarah Palin, what does she really want???

Just read her books, and if you really can't stand to listen to the woman talk, read some of her op-ed's in the WSJ. She's a decent person who's on a mission. She loves her country. She has a loyal following and she has a message.

A popular governor who was tapped to run for Vice-president, she became a target for those elements who despise the things she stands for. After the election was over, her enemies heaped frivolous lawsuits on her office. Did they intend to make the point: "this is what happens to people like YOU who dare to challenge the way we do things?"

Her children were mercilessly attacked and ridiculed by the people who claim to have great compassion. Sarah Palin was supposed to slink quietly away... tail between her legs, and financially and politically ruined... but she didn't. Her enemies underestimated her.

Palin fought back and turned their bad medicine back on her foes. She won a position as a spokesperson for limited government and helped put some good people in office. Her daughter tweaked her critics by appearing on 'Dancing with the Stars.' Though even some conservatives would have had her slink away in shame, she didn't. In fact, the lesson here is for those who would seek to destroy honest opposition with underhanded tactics. Next time, let the defeated candidate go back home in peace. Let her finish out her term and let her go quietly away from the limelight. You'll be the better for it.

What Does Barack Obama Want?

Barack Obama was swept to power amid promises of a new bipartisan spirit coming to Washington. He proved to be a stiff ideologue and abrasive to opposing viewpoints -- not the reconciler that had been promised. After polarizing the country even more,the 2010 elections produced a landslide of Conservative victories [aided, I might add, by Governor Palin].

Bipartisanship finally came to the Obama administration last week as the President actually stumped FOR keeping the Bush-era tax cuts. This is no philosphical coming to enlightenment, but rather a compromise to hopefully save his extended unemployment program. Stay tuned, the story has just begun to get interesting.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in Kuwait before her name became a household word.

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