Friday, January 21, 2011

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume III, Issue IV

The Truth about Grizzly Moms

The 'other' Weekly News Magazine [click to read] is focused on 'Tiger Moms,' those achievement-minded ladies who push their kids to excel. THYME has another species in mind.

We're thinking of those trail-blazers who lead their kids, mostly by example, and help to make the world a better place. They excel themselves, often without recognition, and their children gain confidence by watching them.

A lot of us were raised by such women.

This week I received a complaint from one of THYME's three readers. She said: "Why did you just put another crazy person on the cover in answer to the 'other' weekly news magazine?" Her idea was that I should have put Gabrielle Giffords on the cover and not given any ink at all to a troubled person looking for instant fame.

Her point was well taken. Over the past week we've had the chance to get to know this amazing woman and her astronaut husband. We've prayed for them and shared their struggles. We cheered when we learned that she was making major strides toward recovery.

Now Congresswoman Giffords is headed to Houston and a long process of rehabilitation. Here is where her courage and determination will really come in to play. No longer will the news report every breakthrough, but they will be no less significant.

We're pretty sure her return to public life will be well covered, but we will miss much of the story that brings her there. Perhaps it would do us well to look for those quiet heroes around us... the lady in our church who cares for her elderly parents, patiently cooking meals that they barely touch; the parents of a Down's Syndrome child who make life rich for her; the Grandmother who's raising her child's child.

Instead of focusing on the shocking and unusual, it is time to see the quiet strength that resides in America. Real greatness is often practiced in obscurity.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Photo by David Karaffa.

“Municipal institutions constitute the strength of free nations. Town meetings are to liberty what primary schools are to science; they bring it within the people’s reach, they teach men how to use and how to enjoy it.” -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Eternal Vigilance Department
On the Campaign Trail with Candidate Karaffa

A Look at What it is Like [click to read]. David writes the blog: 'Augusta Conservative.' I refer to it all the time for good illustrations of how to really fix health insurance and many other subjects. David says: "On Saturday, January 8th I announced my candidacy for the Beverley Manor District seat on the Augusta County Board of Supervisors in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Election is November 8th 2011.

As a result, I have decided to change course with this blog. I am going to turn this blog into a live journal of what it is like to run for public office, at least on the local level."
This should be required reading for all who would contemplate entering public service.

How a California City Manager's Salary was $787,637

The Road to Bell [click to read] by William Voegeli in City Journal. Paved not with good intentions but with the avarice of professional government bureaucrats. Also required reading for those entering public service.

Feminism Comes of Age
Today's Issue is the Direction Our Country is Headed

The ex-governor of Alaska and her Mama Grizzlies argue that the real women’s issue is our country’s fiscal future.

The Battle for Feminism [click to read] by Kay S. Hymowitz in City Journal.

Ursus Americanus footprint seen on Blackrock in Shenandoah National Park.

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