Monday, November 23, 2009

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

THYME, Volume I, Issue XIII
Volume I, Issue XIII

Cutting the Apron Strings

This week's issue of TIME is all about 'overparenting.' It mentions such overzealous parents as the lady who had the city cut down all the nut trees, fearful that one nut would fall in the pool!

All of us, if we are honest, have probably parented to excess at times but I think the natural wiring of children and such authorities as Dr. James Dobson have been effective in promoting a healthy balance.

The story is a great springboard for a healthy discussion of what happens when government attempts to assume the role of parent and regulates our little lives to excess. I have already commented on how Sweden [click to read] has been moving in that direction and the folly and diminishing effectiveness of state as parent. That is the article TIME should have written this week!

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